All changes for the tissue Anatomical System (3587)

Identifier Name Type Tissues Organism Gene Data Actions
DAA852 Deficiencies in generating secondary peristaltic contractions Physiological oropharynx, oesophagus Human
DAA922 Deficits in homeostatic equilibrium controlled by endocrine system Physiological endocrine system Human
DAA739 Degeneration of dopamine neurons and receptors Physiological brain Human
DAA981 Phagocytosis activity unchanged in response to unopsonized targets Physiological neutrophil Human
DAA2597 Mitochondrial DNA content in non-centenerians decreases with age Physiological blood Human
DAA726 Demyelination Physiological white matter Human
DAA861 Resting and squeeze pressures in anal canal decrease Physiological anus Human
DAA717 Dendrite regression, reduction in dendrite length Physiological brain Human
DAA825 Dental wear and tear Physiological tooth Human
DAA2588 Depletion of hair follicle melanocytes Physiological hair follicle Human
DAA764 Depolarization of mitochondria Physiological brain Human
DAA1009 Dermal collagen atrophies Physiological dermis Human
DAA899 Phosphate reabsorption decreased Physiological renal tubule Human
DAA910 DHEA levels decrease Physiological plasma Human
DAA2594 Resting metabolic rate decreases with ageing Physiological whole body Human
DAA685 Diastolic blood pressure changes Physiological cardiovascular system Human
DAA1985 Diastolic dysfunction with aging Physiological cardiovascular system Human
DAA846 Weakening of intestinal wall Physiological large intestine Human
DAA994 Skin thinning Physiological epidermis, dermis Human
DAA994 Skin thinning Physiological epidermis, dermis Human
DAA770 Reduction in episodic, working and long-term memory Psychological brain Human
DAA758 Mild cognitive impairment incidence increases Psychological brain Human
DAA753 Cognitive deficits Psychological brain Human
DAA776 Verbal memory declines Psychological brain Human
DAA769 Reaction time slowing in tasks with conflict between visual stimulus and required motor response Psychological brain Human