All changes for the tissue cardiovascular system (62)

Identifier Name Type Tissues Organism Gene Data Actions
DAA1020 Heart disease (Male) Pathological heart Human SeriesIncidence
DAA1021 Heart disease (Female) Pathological heart Human SeriesIncidence
DAA1024 Heart attack (Male) Pathological heart Human SeriesIncidence
DAA1025 Heart attack (Female) Pathological heart Human SeriesIncidence
DAA1295 growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible 45 alpha Molecular heart Mouse Gadd45a 5.0% Decrease Gene Expression Level
DAA1294 fibronectin 1 Molecular heart Mouse Fn1 8.0% Increase Gene Expression Level
DAA710 Facets of heart physiology altered during exercise Physiological heart Human
DAA1293 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2a Molecular heart Mouse Eif2a 8.0% Decrease Gene Expression Level
DAA626 Essential (primary) hypertension and hypertensive renal disease Pathological heart, kidney Human SeriesMorbidity
DAA689 Endothelial cells more irregular in size and shape Physiological arterial intima Human
DAA691 Elastic fibers become fragmented, redistributed, and thinned Physiological artery Human
DAA690 Elastic and smooth muscle layers increase in size Physiological arterial intima Human
DAA1968 Dnmt3a mRNA expression decrease Molecular heart Mouse Dnmt3a
DAA617 Diseases of heart Pathological heart Human SeriesMorbidity
DAA2021 Diminution in the resting cardiac output Physiological heart Human
DAA1985 Diastolic dysfunction with aging Physiological cardiovascular system Human
DAA685 Diastolic blood pressure changes Physiological cardiovascular system Human
DAA1995 Decrease in collagen in the venous intima Physiological venous intima Human 42.0% Decrease Protein level
DAA1022 Coronary heart disease (Male) Pathological heart Human SeriesIncidence
DAA1023 Coronary heart disease (Female) Pathological heart Human SeriesIncidence
DAA709 Coronary artery disease incidence increases Pathological heart, artery Human
DAA709 Coronary artery disease incidence increases Pathological heart, artery Human
DAA704 Cellular hypertrophy in left ventricular wall Physiological left ventricle Human
DAA695 Cell proliferation increases Physiological arterial intima Human
DAA713 Cardiac index decreased Physiological heart Human