All changes for the tissue hematological system (385)

Identifier Name Type Tissues Organism Gene Data Actions
DAA1209 Blood IL6 level increase Physiological plasma Human IL6
DAA1208 Blood TNF-alpha level increase Physiological plasma Human TNF
DAA1207 IL8 level increase Physiological plasma Human IL8
DAA1200 Inhibin levels decline Physiological plasma Human Decrease Hormone Level
DAA1199 Serum klotho Physiological plasma Human KL Increase Hormone Level
DAA1181 Morning IGF1 decline Physiological plasma Human IGF1 51.0% Decrease Hormone Level
DAA1180 Morning concentrations of testosterone decline Physiological plasma Human 80.0% Decrease Hormone Level
DAA1073 Fewer cells and higher apoptosis Physiological bone marrow Human
DAA1053 Cholesterol level - High (Female) Physiological plasma Human SeriesIncidence
DAA1052 Cholesterol level - High (Male) Physiological plasma Human SeriesIncidence