All changes for the tissue hematological system (385)

Identifier Name Type Tissues Organism Gene Data Actions
DAA2017 Blood sugar changes Physiological plasma Human
DAA1208 Blood TNF-alpha level increase Physiological plasma Human TNF
DAA701 Oxidative increase in cystine/cysteine ratio Physiological plasma Human
DAA916 Cortisol levels increased Physiological plasma Human
DAA2018 Blood volume per unit of body weight unchanged Physiological blood Human
DAA675 Beta-galactosidase expression increases in mesenchymal stem cells Physiological mesenchymal stem cell Human
DAA921 Decrease in melatonin concentration and loss of circadian rhythm for secretion Physiological plasma, pineal gland Human
DAA1988 Decrease in the 24-hour integrated concentration of GH Physiological plasma Human GH1
DAA678 Capacity of mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate into osteoblasts may be decreased Physiological mesenchymal stem cell Human
DAA910 DHEA levels decrease Physiological plasma Human
DAA2027 DNA damage acummulates in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells Physiological hematopoietic stem cells Human
DAA1207 IL8 level increase Physiological plasma Human IL8
DAA1073 Fewer cells and higher apoptosis Physiological bone marrow Human
DAA698 Albumin levels decrease Physiological plasma Human
DAA909 Mean blood glucose level increases Physiological plasma Human
DAA1991 Hematopoietic cells accumulate random mutations Physiological hematopoietic stem cells Human
DAA1215 Higher adrenocroticotropic hormone levels Physiological plasma Human POMC
DAA1052 Cholesterol level - High (Male) Physiological plasma Human SeriesIncidence
DAA1219 Morning concentration of oestrone (E1) declines Physiological plasma Human
DAA968 Chronic inflammation increases Physiological blood, immune system Human
DAA1221 Morning concentration of sex-hormone binding globulin declines Physiological plasma Human
DAA1213 Circadian GH change Physiological plasma Human GH1
DAA1209 Blood IL6 level increase Physiological plasma Human IL6
DAA932 Renewal capacity declines Physiological hematopoietic stem cells Human
DAA2015 Regulation of the acid-base equilibrium of the blood unchanged Physiological blood Human