All changes for the tissue hematological system (385)

Identifier Name Type Tissues Organism Gene Data Actions
DAA2775 Hypermethylation of ZIC1 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human ZIC1
DAA2776 Hypermethylation of ZNF471 is positively correlated with age Molecular blood Human ZNF471
DAA587 Septicemia Pathological blood Human SeriesMorbidity
DAA608 Hodgkin's disease Pathological hematological system Human SeriesMorbidity
DAA609 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Pathological hematological system Human SeriesMorbidity
DAA610 Leukemia Pathological hematological system Human SeriesMorbidity
DAA612 Anemia Pathological blood Human SeriesMorbidity
DAA673 telomere length in hematopoietic stem cells Molecular hematopoietic stem cells Human
DAA675 Beta-galactosidase expression increases in mesenchymal stem cells Physiological mesenchymal stem cell Human
DAA676 Proliferation rate of mesenchymal stem cells is reduced Physiological mesenchymal stem cell Human
DAA677 Proportion of apoptotic cells may be increased Physiological mesenchymal stem cell Human TP53
DAA678 Capacity of mesenchymal stem cells to differentiate into osteoblasts may be decreased Physiological mesenchymal stem cell Human
DAA696 Blood cholesterol increases Physiological plasma Human
DAA698 Albumin levels decrease Physiological plasma Human
DAA699 Triglyceride levels increase Physiological plasma Human
DAA700 Shift in reduced:oxidized glutathione ratio in favour of oxidized gluthione Physiological blood, lymphocytes Mouse
DAA701 Oxidative increase in cystine/cysteine ratio Physiological plasma Human
DAA702 Ratio of oxidized to unoxidized plasma albumin increases Physiological plasma Human
DAA909 Mean blood glucose level increases Physiological plasma Human
DAA910 DHEA levels decrease Physiological plasma Human
DAA912 Aldosterone secretion, blood levels and clearance decrease Physiological plasma, adrenal gland Human
DAA916 Cortisol levels increased Physiological plasma Human
DAA917 Plasma and urinary catecholamine elevation after stimuli Physiological plasma Human
DAA919 Somatostatin basal levels increase Physiological plasma Human SST
DAA920 Prolactin increases in males Physiological plasma Human