All changes for the tissue alimentary system (68)

Identifier Name Type Tissues Organism Gene Data Actions
DAA595 Pancreatic cancer Pathological pancreas Human SeriesMorbidity
DAA613 Diabetes mellitus Pathological pancreas Human SeriesMorbidity
DAA2585 Exocrine pancreatic function unchanged Physiological pancreas Human
DAA1061 Variability in clearance of hepatically metabolized drugs Physiological liver Human
DAA1060 Blood flow to liver decreases Physiological liver Human
DAA594 Cancer of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts Pathological liver Human SeriesMorbidity
DAA2590 Loss of liver regeneration with age Physiological liver Human
DAA588 Viral hepatitis Pathological liver Human SeriesMorbidity
DAA849 telomere shortening Molecular liver Human
DAA637 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis Pathological liver Human SeriesMorbidity
DAA638 Cholelithiasis and other disorders of gallbladders Pathological liver and biliary system Human SeriesMorbidity
DAA862 Threshold sensational level for rectal filling increase Physiological rectum, anus Human
DAA861 Resting and squeeze pressures in anal canal decrease Physiological anus Human
DAA862 Threshold sensational level for rectal filling increase Physiological rectum, anus Human
DAA2600 Chromosome deletions, duplications, and gene conversion events accumulate with age Physiological colon Human
DAA846 Weakening of intestinal wall Physiological large intestine Human
DAA847 Increase in incidence of diverticulosis Physiological large intestine Human
DAA845 Atrophy of all four layers of large intestine Physiological large intestine Human
DAA859 Responsiveness of cholinergic receptors is decreased Physiological ileum Human
DAA860 Nonadrenergic innervation of myenteric plexus decreases Physiological jejunum Human
DAA840 Reduction in small intestine absorption rate Physiological small intestine Human
DAA839 Atrophy of mucosal lining in small intestine Physiological small intestine Human
DAA855 Migrating motor complex is prolonged Physiological small intestine Human
DAA841 Lipid absorption and solubilization decreases Physiological small intestine Human
DAA843 Gastric lipase and bile acid secretion decreases Physiological stomach, small intestine Human