All physiological changes (365)

Identifier Name Data Tissues Organism Actions
DAA928 Sex hormone binding globulin levels increase plasma Human
DAA926 Hot flushes whole body Human
DAA925 Increase in follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) preceding menopause plasma Human
DAA924 Decline in ovarian estrogen production ovary Human
DAA923 Menopause and female fertility loss female reproductive system, endocrine system Human
DAA922 Deficits in homeostatic equilibrium controlled by endocrine system endocrine system Human
DAA921 Decrease in melatonin concentration and loss of circadian rhythm for secretion plasma, pineal gland Human
DAA920 Prolactin increases in males plasma Human
DAA919 Somatostatin basal levels increase plasma Human
DAA917 Plasma and urinary catecholamine elevation after stimuli plasma Human
DAA916 Cortisol levels increased plasma Human
DAA912 Aldosterone secretion, blood levels and clearance decrease plasma, adrenal gland Human
DAA910 DHEA levels decrease plasma Human
DAA909 Mean blood glucose level increases plasma Human
DAA908 Carbohydrate homeostasis deficits following glucose challenge endocrine system Human
DAA907 Glands change in appearance endocrine system Human
DAA905 Ability to secrete acid load decreases kidney Human
DAA904 Transport maximum for glucose declines renal tubule Human
DAA900 Urine concentrating capacity decreases renal tubule Human
DAA899 Phosphate reabsorption decreased renal tubule Human
DAA898 Sodium conservation decreased renal tubule Human
DAA897 Response to antidiuretic hormone decreased renal tubule Human
DAA896 Vasodilation induced by acetylcholine or sodium reduced renal vasculature Human
DAA895 Basement membranes of glomeruli and tubules thicken renal tubule, glomerulus Human
DAA894 Interstitial fibrosis in medulla kidney Human