All physiological changes (343)

Identifier Name Data Tissues Organism Actions
DAA806 Decline in respiratory muscle fibers respiratory system, muscle Homo sapiens
DAA1229 Declining T-lymphocyte production in the thymus thymus Homo sapiens
DAA2050 Decreased ability to maintain body temperature when exposed to cold whole body Homo sapiens
DAA1002 Decreased ability to modulate heat loss integument system Homo sapiens
DAA1006 Decreased amounts of collagen IV and VII, and abnormal elastin in dermis dermis Homo sapiens
DAA1004 Decreased/disorganized fibril network of dermis dermis Homo sapiens
DAA991 Decreased function of epithelial barriers lung, oral cavity, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, intestine, epidermis Homo sapiens
DAA796 Decrease in alveoli elasticity and recoil forces alveolus Homo sapiens
DAA829 Decrease in amplitude of peristaltic pressure wave in upper esophogeal sphincter oesophagus Homo sapiens
DAA1995 Decrease in collagen in the venous intima 42.0% Decrease Protein level venous intima Homo sapiens
DAA992 Decrease in dermal papillae density epidermis, dermis Homo sapiens
DAA921 Decrease in melatonin concentration and loss of circadian rhythm for secretion plasma, pineal gland Homo sapiens
DAA832 Decrease in number of acinar cells salivary gland Homo sapiens
DAA1988 Decrease in the 24-hour integrated concentration of GH plasma Homo sapiens
DAA802 Decreases in intevertebral spaces spine Homo sapiens
DAA852 Deficiencies in generating secondary peristaltic contractions oropharynx, oesophagus Homo sapiens
DAA922 Deficits in homeostatic equilibrium controlled by endocrine system endocrine system Homo sapiens
DAA739 Degeneration of dopamine neurons and receptors brain Homo sapiens
DAA726 Demyelination white matter Homo sapiens
DAA717 Dendrite regression, reduction in dendrite length brain Homo sapiens
DAA825 Dental wear and tear tooth Homo sapiens
DAA2588 Depletion of hair follicle melanocytes hair follicle Homo sapiens
DAA764 Depolarization of mitochondria brain Homo sapiens
DAA1009 Dermal collagen atrophies dermis Homo sapiens
DAA910 DHEA levels decrease plasma Homo sapiens