All physiological changes (343)

Identifier Name Data Tissues Organism Actions
DAA1215 Higher adrenocroticotropic hormone levels plasma Homo sapiens
DAA926 Hot flushes whole body Homo sapiens
DAA1207 IL8 level increase plasma Homo sapiens
DAA950 Immune response to Epstein-Barr virus decreases in cytomegalovirus positive individuals immune system Homo sapiens
DAA965 Incidence of anergia increases immune system Homo sapiens
DAA961 Increased apoptosis associated with Fas and Fas-ligand expression T cell Homo sapiens
DAA787 Increased bilateral anterior frontal activity in memory interference tests brain Homo sapiens
DAA786 Increased rhinal cortex activity and functional connectivity in tests for verbal familiarity brain Homo sapiens
DAA783 Increased sustained activity in tests of working memory brain Homo sapiens
DAA784 Increased transient activity in non-spatial auditory working memory test brain Homo sapiens
DAA833 Increase in adverse effects on salivary gland by anticholinergics salivary gland Homo sapiens
DAA828 Increase in amplitude and duration of peristaltic pressure wave in hypopharyngeal sphincter hypopharynx Homo sapiens
DAA953 Increase in cells that are both CD8+ and CD28-null T regulatory cell Homo sapiens
DAA1994 Increase in collagen in the arterial intima 100.0% Increase Protein level arterial intima Homo sapiens
DAA925 Increase in follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) preceding menopause plasma Homo sapiens
DAA838 Increase in IgA intestine Homo sapiens
DAA847 Increase in incidence of diverticulosis large intestine Homo sapiens
DAA987 Increase in total number of cells natural killer cell Homo sapiens
DAA975 Infiltration at injury site is reduced neutrophil Homo sapiens
DAA1200 Inhibin levels decline Decrease Hormone Level plasma Homo sapiens
DAA962 Interleukin-2 production in response to influenza vaccine declines T cell Homo sapiens
DAA955 Interleukin-7 production declines stromal cell Homo sapiens
DAA894 Interstitial fibrosis in medulla kidney Homo sapiens
DAA694 Intima undergoes diffuse thickening arterial intima Homo sapiens
DAA672 Joint cushioning reduced joint Homo sapiens