All changes for the tissue Anatomical System (410)

Identifier Name Type Tissues Organism Gene Data Actions
DAA1952 Possible blunting of growth hormone secretion increase in response to multiple stimuli Physiological endocrine system Mouse
DAA1953 Interleukin-6 plasma levels are elevated in response to acute systemic inflammation Physiological immune system Mouse
DAA1954 Interleukin-15 levels decrease in plasma and muscle Physiological plasma, muscle Mouse
DAA1954 Interleukin-15 levels decrease in plasma and muscle Physiological plasma, muscle Mouse
DAA1959 Osteoblast differentiation decreases Physiological bone marrow Mouse
DAA1960 Adipocyte formation increases Physiological bone marrow Mouse
DAA1971 Pancreatic Beta-cell replication decrease Physiological pancreas Mouse
DAA1974 Bone loss Physiological bone Mouse
DAA1975 Loss of subcutaneous adipose skin layer Physiological skin Mouse
DAA1978 Age differences in classical conditioning of the eyelid response Physiological eyelid Human
DAA1980 Reaction time for a visually paced simple motor task increases with age Physiological brain Human
DAA1981 Selective increase in oxidative damage and decrease in antioxidant function during aging in the substantia nigra Physiological substantia nigra Human
DAA1983 Critical decline in fine motor hand movements Physiological nervous system Human
DAA1984 Layer-specific dendritic regression of pyramidal cells Physiological prefrontal cortex Human
DAA1985 Diastolic dysfunction with aging Physiological cardiovascular system Human
DAA1988 Decrease in the 24-hour integrated concentration of GH Physiological plasma Human GH1
DAA1990 Number of mutations in offsprings increases Physiological male reproductive system Human
DAA1991 Hematopoietic cells accumulate random mutations Physiological hematopoietic stem cells Human
DAA1992 Muscle mass and strength loss Physiological skeletal muscle Human
DAA1993 Brain volume decreases in a regional-specific way Physiological brain Human
DAA1994 Increase in collagen in the arterial intima Physiological arterial intima Human 100.0% Increase Protein level
DAA1995 Decrease in collagen in the venous intima Physiological venous intima Human 42.0% Decrease Protein level
DAA1996 Beta-amyloid protein deposition increases Physiological brain Human APP
DAA2001 SIRT1 activity negatively correlated with age in males Physiological skin Human SIRT1
DAA2013 Number and differentiation potential of adipose tissue-derived stem cells declines with age Physiological mesenchymal stem cell Human